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Ships from Kansas, United States

Hi. I'm selling a COLDCARD MK3 and 2 LEDGER NANO S'. Or is S's? Either way please read the full posting here if you're interested:

First off you shouldn't trust me. Why would i say something like that? Don't Trust, Verify remember? If you don't have any hardware wallets at all then you should know or learn that BEST PRACTICES are buying directly from a vendor (Coinkite, Trezor, etc.) and not from 3rd parties. Especially not from random people online like me. All that said, I want to explain why i'm selling and why buying these can still be beneficial for the right person. Here we go. So why am I selling?

1.) Not proud but i used to kinda sh*tcoin. I didn't know any better but it ended up leading me down the path to Bitcoin. Thats why I have 2 LEDGER NANO S' for sale. I used them to learn and out of curiosity but since I haven't used them in awhile and with the recent news of their "recovery service" announcement (google if i you dont know) I just decided I might as well get rid of them. Instead of destroying or tossing them, I figured I could earn a few sats.

2.) I recently got a MK4 Coldcard and since then my MK3 has been sitting around gathering dust. So i decided, why not sweeten the pot and sell it with my Nanos, which would probably garner more interest in general.

All hardware wallets have been wiped of course and any assets that were on them have been moved or sold. And while I haven't done any funny business to the wallets I just like re-iterating that you shouldn't trust me. Of course that doesn't make them useless at all. These wallets can be great for 1.) Art Projects 2.) Teaching others about hardware wallets 3.) Decoy hardware wallets 4.) Possible parts of a multisig set up 5.) Learning how hardware wallets work 6.) Test run of if you like hardware wallets 7.) Test run of if you want to try using a Coldcard (easier than you think!) 8.) Plenty of other uses I can't think of right now because I need to go make dinner.

If you don't own a hardware wallet and want one to hold your stash, its bad form to buy these as your main wallet. So I suggest against it, even though they would work fine. If you don't understand why though, it's worth the research. It's more important to me that we all learn good security etiquette than me making a few sats. But these fully functioning wallets can still be great in many cases and i'd rather earn some sats than trash them.

Also Free shipping. And thanks so much for looking. Hope you all keep stacking and have a great day.

p.s. the COLDCARD MK3 does NOT come with a microSD card for safety purposes of course... but figured worth a mention!

Sellers are expected to ship within 4 days of the purchase date unless otherwise stated in the description. If the seller does not deliver their crap, the buyer receives their listing deposit (10% of the list price).

All purchases includes full coverage insurance and a money back guarantee as long as buyers follow these guidelines:

  • Provide a video of the complete unboxing of the item
  • Request a refund within 48 hours of receiving the item
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